RM Roadmap will create a roadmap for the future of research management (RM) in Europe and a community to support its delivery. The aim is to identify and adapt the research management capital base of the EU, including the widening countries, of its current and future research management workforce to emerging needs to improve the EU's competitiveness and sustain its economic performance. A state-of-the-art pan-European network of research managers can support the establishment of strategic, cross-border partnerships between research managers in industry, Research Funding Organisations, higher education and research institutions. RM Roadmap connects European networks towards an unprecedented co-creation process in research management in the world. This co-creation process will gather the existing communities and expand upon them to reach two main objectives: create and inform a bottom-up consensus on the future of RM in a roadmap and inform the community about existing training, networking, funding and mobility opportunities.
The work is distributed in a number of Work Packages (WP)  including Intelligence, Training and Development, Roadmap and Advocacy, and Sustainability and Exploitation.
The Intelligence WP involves mapping, characterizing and quantifying the research management community and  producing a comprehensive assessment thereof for a more standardized profession and terminology as well as propose recommendations and guidelines. This work is led by HETFA.
The Training and Development WP involves supporting and promoting access to training as well as recommending training for a future Europe-wide training and networking scheme. This work is led by NOVA.
The Roadmap and Advocacy WP involves the creation of the RM Roadmap’s Ambassadors’ network and ultimately the roadmap to improve the RM system in Europe. This work is led by the RM Roadmap Project Coordinator EARMA.
The Sustainability and Exploitation WP involves the exploitation of the results and sustainability measures for the long term operation of RM Roadmap outputs.  This work is led by ASTP.
The purpose of the diagram below  is to provide a simplified overview of the main components and workflow of the RM-ROADMAP project. The objectives can be grouped into analyses and mapping, providing the foundation for the modelling and community-building objectives. The main components are the partners and associated partners that perform the Work Packages, leading to milestones and in turn deliverables (workflow).